Gail’s Journey
by Mission First HousingGail is a resident of Temple II – North Gratz Street, and she has a remarkable story.
Years ago, Gail was working as a secretary and she owned her own home in Olney. Then the unexpected happened – a stroke. The stroke took her voice and left her in a wheel-chair. She “conversed” by writing things down and using her “Mini-Merc,” which speaks the words that she types in. But let’s allow Gail tell her own story:
“About four years ago, a stroke took my voice. My mind is still very sharp. At first, when I had this stroke it was so unreal. Having your independence gone and not being able to take care of yourself, you just want to die. But as time went on, I realized that I am still here; my children, my grandchildren, and my family still need me.
“Through God, my wonderful sister Gina, Mr. Walt Kubiak, David Hahn, and Heidi Bohn, I got a place to live and a lot of my independence back. My property manager, Beth, is always there to help me. The maintenance staff is just wonderful too!
“I love it here; I feel safe. I am able to go in and out in my wheelchair. I love hearing and watching the children play outside and the neighbors cooking out and playing their music. The best thing is having my own room – privacy! We all need space to ourselves. And I love the bathroom – so much space, it’s amazing. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that being here has brought some happiness back to my life, and I am so grateful for that!”