Making It Possible To End Homelessness
Making it Possible to End Homelessness is now partnering with Mission First Housing Group to further its mission of ending homelessness in Central New Jersey.
We are working to convert our former transitional housing programs-Amandla Crossing and Imani Park to Permanent Supportive Housing for homeless individuals and families in Middlesex County.
Once opened, Amandla and Imani will provide 46 units of safe, affordable and permanent housing combined with on-site support services where residents can access the resources they need to increase health, independence and housing stability.
If you are currently homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or in need of information about additional resources available in our community please dial 211 or visit www.nj211.org.
For questions about our programs, please contact us at:
Making it Possible to End Homelessness
c/o Mission First Housing Group
2042-48 Arch Street, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103